art police
The Art Police intend to install their Art Police Evolution Laboratory APE Lab during the conference. One of the hypotheses of the APE Lab is that mankind is in a state of retrograde and part of the deterioration is caused by the under-use of creativity. A central focus of their investigation* will be: ‘are QUEERs a more creative branch of humanity?’ The workshock will be central to this investigation*. The interim result of their questionnaire will be presented, plus several other experiments* will be conducted with the help and input of the participants. Other practical activities may be offered as a measure* and encouragement of Queer creativity.
Warning: this workshock may contain scenes of sex, nudity, violence, bad language and nuts ..
* The allusion to ‘experiment’ and parameters of the activities named ‘investigation’ are in no way scientific, empirically defined or to be recognised as academically valid. It is however, to be seen as highly creative, artistic in nature and by accident, entirely correct. Art Police accept no criticism of their processes or activities and any attempt to question their indisputable authority over their own actions and presumptions will be met with fines and arrests. They make their own rules and are deliberately absurdist and dictatorial.
art police
Alice Lister aka Art Official Ax Phantastifox
Ax was always a bit queer from the very beginning.
She went to Art College in Scotland against her fathers express wishes. He had in mind a more sedate career as a nurse or as a respectable store manager in Marks and Spencer’s (the Great British shopping establishment where everyone bought their sensible underwear [heavy emphasis on SENSIBLE]). After pursuing a long and alcohol soaked education in Fine Art she worked in Theatre and Performance where she encountered lots of Drama Queens and megalomaniac directors. This has given her all the inspiration she will ever need to make absurd Live Art. She is the expert in realizing concepts for the Art Police and is convinced that life imitates art based upon quantum theories.
Jaybee Bräg aka Art Official Jaybee Brainchild
Jaybee has been a life long researcher of the orchestral boundaries of life. As a child her father paid her 5 DM for each organ lesson she completed as preparation for her to be a catholic organ recitalist and wife of the ugliest farmer boy in Bodensee. She ran away from home at the earliest opportunity. Since then she has studied music and all the artistic associations of everything as far away from classic conservatism as is humanly and non humanly possible (we suspect she is actually an alien). She is renowned for consuming books and being the prolific generator of “extra-terrestrial” ideas. Jaybee is the “contra” – band of the Art Police.
Yulia Vershinskaya - alias Yulia van der Brust (Art Official) -
die unglaubliche Karriere
Geboren als westlich definierter Klassenfeind unter der brennenden Sonne Sibiriens. Abgesehen von der Kunsterziehung des Großvaters lernte sie schon in den frühen Lebensjahren die verbotenen Musikspelunken des sowjetischen Undergrounds kennen, in die sie im Alter von 4 Jahren von ihrem Onkel (seines Zeichens - Musiker) hinverbannt wurde. Dies führte unweigerlich einige Jahre später zu einem ziemlich erfolgreichen Abschluss der Karatanov-Kunstschule.
Nach dem Erkennen der nicht-künstlerisch-fürsorgernden Realität des Elternhauses studierte sie romanische und germanische Philologie. In dieser Zeit untersuchte sie Psycholinguistik und verfasste wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu den Themen: "Männersprache - Frauensprache", "Ironie in der deutschen Umgangssprache", "Musik als provokant-treibende Kraft im Sozialisierungsprozess des Individuums" etc. Da sie zwischen Studium und der Malerei immer noch genug Freizeit hatte, veröffentlichte sie noch mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Dekans zweisprachige Experimentall-Texte und Gedichte. Dies fand den großen Ausklang in der Diplomarbeit zum Thema "Bilingualismus" mit dem Ergebnis: summa cum laude.
Trotz der vom Elternhaus angedachten Kariere als Police Officer, wanderte sie in einer Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion nach Deutschland aus und bestreitet bis jetzt ihr Leben als freie Künstlerin/Grafikerin und ArtPolice-Officer/in.