impressum : claudia münzing .:;. markgrafenstrasse 39 , 79115 freiburg .;:.


Freitag, 04. Dezember 2009


Nathalie Stephens
Body Stuffed Full of Mind
Vortrag : in englischer Sprache

"I am so unaccustomed to thinking the body in this way, as a thing that is seen, meant to be seen, stuffed full of mind, and visible." This body talk could be described as a talk which stands in for itself. In which the body, with its mind, withstands its own standing, first in the lens of a camera inopportunely directed at a body on either side of the shutter, in a place with a photograph which precedes the body in the place. There is Claude Cahun, there are mutterings about objecthood and arrival and absence and emphysema, and some disagreement as to the existence of the person doing the speaking, even as (s)he is talking to herself in images about a book that is and is not of her making, while someone takes her picture.


Nathalie Stephens (Nathanaël)
writes l'entre-genre in English and French.

She is the author of several books, including The Sorrow and the Fast of It (2007), L'injure (2004), and the essay of correspondence Absence Where As (Claude Cahun and the Unopened Book) (2009). Her book, ...s'arrête? Je (2007) was awarded the Prix Alain-Grandbois in 2008. Carnet de désaccords (2009) is a  finalist for the Prix Spirale-Éva-le-Grand. Je Nathanaël (2003) exists in English self-translation with BookThug (2006). Other work exists in Basque and Slovene, with book-length translations in Bulgarian (2007). In addition to translating herself, Stephens has translated Catherine Mavrikakis, Gail Scott, Bhanu Kapil and Édouard Glissant. She is, she thinks, in Chicago.